상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

[오라클] 4월 20일 숙제

카테고리 없음

by esoesmio 2023. 4. 20. 19:00


--1) SCORE 테이블과 동일한 구조를 갖는 SCORE_CHK를 생성하고 RESULT 60이상 90이하만 입력 가능하도록 하세요.

--2) STUDENT 테이블과 동일한 구조를 갖는 STUDENT_COPY 테이블을 생성하면서 SNO은 PK로 SNAME은 NOT NULL로 SYEAR의 DEFAULT는 1로 
--   설정하세요.

--3) COURSE 테이블과 동일한 구조를 갖는 COURSE_CONTSRAINT 테이블을 생성하면서 CNO, CNAME을 PK로 PNO은 PROFESSOR_PK의 PNO을 참조하여
--   FK로 설정하고 ST_NUM은 DEFAULT 2로 설정하세요.














--1) 다음 구조를 갖는 테이블을 생성하세요.
--PRODUCT 테이블 - PNO NUMBER PK              : 제품번호
--                PNMAE VARCHAR2(50)          : 제품이름
--                PRI NUMBER                  : 제품단가


--PAYMENT 테이블 - MNO NUMBER PK              : 전표번호
--               PDATE DATE NOT NULL         : 판매일자
--                CNAME VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL : 고객명
--                TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL > 0      : 총액


--PAYMENT_DETAIL - MNO NUMBER PK FK           : 전표번호
--                PNO NUMBER PK FK            : 제품번호
--                AMOUNT NUMBER NOT NULL      : 수량
--                PRICE NUMBER NOT NULL       : 단가
--                TOTAL_PRICE NUMBER NOT NULL TOTAL_PRICE > 0 : 금액





select *
where owner = 'C##EUNSUK';

select *
where owner = 'C##EUNSUK';

select *
where owner = 'C##EUNSUK';

create table empphaha
    eno   number primary key,
    ename varchar(20),
    sal   number,
    comm  number,
    constraint hahakikkik check (sal >= 3000),
    constraint hahakk check (comm between 1 and 100)

select *
from empphaha;
insert into empphaha
values (1, 'eh', 3000, 1);
drop table empphaha;

create table emppaha
    eno  number,
    sal  number,
    comm number,
    constraint aeee check ( sal >= 3000 ),
    constraint kehake check ( comm between 1 and 50 )

drop table emppaha;

create table ppp
    eno   number primary key,
    ename varchar2(20)
create table hawehwg
    eno number,
    sal number,
    constraint wegwee foreign key (eno)
        references ppp (eno)
            on delete cascade

alter table hawehwg
    drop constraint wegwee;
alter table hawehwg
    add constraint weg foreign key (eno) references ppp (eno);

create table t_boardaa
    boardno    number,
    boardtitle varchar2(10),
    constraint eeef primary key (boardno)
create table t_boardfile
    boardno    number,
    boardtitle varchar2(20),
    haha       number,
    constraint akak primary key
        (boardno, haha),
    constraint wekjwe foreign key (boardno) references t_boardaa (boardno)

select *
from t_boardaa;
select *
from t_boardfile;
insert into t_boardfile
values (2, '1', 3);
insert into t_boardaa
values (1, '2');

drop table t_boardaa;
drop table t_boardfile;

create table t_boardaa
    bno  number,
    bno2 number
alter table t_boardaa
    add constraint wefwef primary key (bno);
create table t_boardfile
    bno  number,
    bno2 number,
    bno3 number
        constraint wegweg primary key (bno, bno2),
    constraint wegweh foreign key (bno)
        references t_boardaa (bno)


create table factory1
    fno   number primary key,
    fname varchar2(50) not null,
    loc   varchar2(10)
create table goods1
    gno   number primary key,
    gname varchar2(50),
    pri   number,
    fno   number,
    constraint wegweg
        foreign key (fno) references factory (fno)


create table prod1
    pno   number primary key,
    gno   number,
    price number,
    pdate date,
    constraint wegg foreign key
        (gno) references goods (gno)


alter table goods1
    drop constraint wegweg;

alter table goods1
    add constraint wegweg foreign key (fno) references factory1;

alter table prod1
    drop constraint wegg;

alter table prod1
    add constraint wegg foreign key (gno) references goods1 (gno);

여기부터 숙제

create table score_chk as (select *
                           from score);
drop table score_chk;
alter table score_chk
    add constraint ahahae check (result >= 60 and result <= 90);
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
더 쉽게하는방법 없을까?;
만들면서 집어넣으면서 키주는방법
select *
from score;

create table score_chk
    sno    number,
    cno    number,
    result number,
    constraint awegw check ( result >= 60 and result <= 90 )

insert into score_chk
values (1, 1, 60);

select *
from student;

create table studeont_copy
    sno   number,
    sname varchar2(20) not null,
    sex   varchar2(3),
    syear number(1) default 1,
    major varchar2(20),
    avr   number(4, 2)

alter table studeont_copy
    add constraint hahakiks primary key (sno);

select *
from course;

이미 만들어진 테이블의 칼럼 타입을 바꾸는방법은 없을까?
이미 만들어진 테이블의 칼럼 타입을 바꾸는방법은 없을까?
이미 만들어진 테이블의 칼럼 타입을 바꾸는방법은 없을까?
이미 만들어진 테이블의 칼럼 타입을 바꾸는방법은 없을까?
이미 만들어진 테이블의 칼럼 타입을 바꾸는방법은 없을까?
이미 만들어진 테이블의 칼럼 타입을 바꾸는방법은 없을까?
drop table course_constraint;
create table course_constraint
    cno    varchar2(9),
    cname  varchar2(20),
    st_tum number(1) default 2,
    pno    number

alter table course_constraint
    add constraint qwegqh primary key (cno, cname);

create table professor_pk
    pno   number primary key,
    pname number
alter table course_constraint
    add constraint erh4hhahr foreign key (pno) references professor_pk (pno);

create table T_SNS
    sns_no number primary key,
    sns_nm varchar2(20)
create table T_SNS_DETAIL
    sns_no  number primary key,
    sns_ben number,
    constraint efwegh foreign key (sns_no) references t_sns (sns_no)
create table T_SNS_UPLOADED
    sns_no     number,
    SNS_UPL_NO number,
    constraint awehh primary key (sns_no, SNS_UPL_NO),
    constraint qerhh foreign key (sns_no) references T_SNS_DETAIL

--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???
--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???
--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???
--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???
--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???
--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???
--------------- 이거를 detail로 해야되나 아니면 그냥 sns로 해야되나???

--아니면 어차피 둘다 primary 키니까 뭘 해도 상관없는건가?
insert into t_sns
values (1, '페북');
insert into t_sns
values (2, '인스타');
insert into t_sns
values (3, '트위터');

insert into T_SNS_DETAIL
values (1, 4000);
insert into T_SNS_DETAIL
values (2, 10000);
insert into T_SNS_DETAIL
values (3, 30000);

insert into T_SNS_UPLOADED
values (1, 1);
insert into T_SNS_UPLOADED
values (1, 2);
insert into T_SNS_UPLOADED
values (2, 1);
insert into T_SNS_UPLOADED
values (2, 2);

select *
from T_SNS;
select *
select *
여기 한번 다시보기


create table product
    pno   number primary key,
    pname varchar2(50),
    pri   number

create table payment
    mno   number primary key,
    pdate date         not null,
    cname varchar2(50) not null,
    total number,
    constraint wgg check (total > 0)
프라이머리 키는 동시에 지정해야 하는가?;
create table payment_detail
    mno         number,
    pno         number,
    amount      number,
    price       number not null,
    total_price number not null,
    constraint wegeg primary key (mno, pno),
    constraint wegh foreign key (mno) references payment (mno),
    constraint whqhweg foreign key (pno) references product (pno)


create table bbb (mno number, pno number, cno number);
select * from bbb;
insert into bbb values (1,1,1);
insert into bbb values (1,2,1);
insert into bbb values (1,2,1);
insert into bbb values (1,63,1);

alter table bbb add constraint  wegqwg primary key (mno,pno);

alter table whh drop constraint wrhhh;
alter table whh drop constraint qwrhqh;
drop table whh;

select * from bbb;
create table whh (pno number, mno number, price number, amount number, constraint  wrhhh primary key (pno),
 constraint  qwrhqh foreign key (mno, pno) references bbb (mno, pno)


select * from whh;
insert into whh values (63,1,1,1);

insert into payment_detail values (1,1,1,1,1);

create table hahakik(sno number, sname number);

select * from hahakik;

alter table hahakik add (haha number);

alter table hahakik drop (haha);

alter table hahakik modify (haha varchar2(10));

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